Covenant danaja
terms of the “firm belief in love”
1. the name and the emblem of danaja are the multimedial materialization of the idea of love itself and the love for art, state, religion and other sheep-like behavior adopted by society for it's self-preservation... Means giving the ready-made idea of love and state a new face and visual form. Embodied in the form of danaja
• ime in znak danaje sta multimedijska materializacija ideje brezpogojne ljubezni do umetnosti, drzhave, religije in ostalih ovčno-čredniških sistemov, ki jih druzhba koristi kot orodja samozaschite. Pomenita prenovo in novo podobo ideje ljubezni do drzhave, umetnosti in religije in jo prenese na umetnost kot popolnoma svoboden multimedijski sistem.
2. danaja works as a mechanism for the understanding, storage and the restoring of symbolism. The works of danaja are never medium or technically confined. Our language is vulgar and the symbolisms common
• danaja deluje kot mehanizem za analizo simbolov in simbolizmov znotraj sistema, njihovega shranjevanja in ponovne adaptacije. Gre torej za sistem spomeniškega varstva simbolizma. danaja ni medijsko ali tehnichno omejen sistem. Nash jezik je ljudski, simbolizmi znani.
3. even if danaja always works as a whole group without individualities, it's divided in four groups: sun [sonce] Ikarus working as a visual propaganda and other visual communications tool, water [voda] MSP exploring lyrical, erotical and emotional aspects of systems, air [zrak] fazan003 studies the reach and technologies hidden behind the range of each medium and freedom [svoboda] Globalko etc as a 3d form of danaja and it's theories in forms of actual products and visual adaptations of ideas.
• cheprav danaja deluje kot celota je navidezno razdeljena na štiri skupine: sonce [ikarus], ki se ukvarja z vizualno propagando in ostalimi vizualnimi orodji, voda [MSP-mehanična soška postrv], ki raziskuje lirično erotične in čustvene aspekte sistemov, zrak[fazan003] ki raziskuje in razvija domete medijev, ter s tem njihovo sposobnost doseganja ter shirjenja informacij in svoboda [globalko…] ki se ukvarja z dejansko aplikacijo teoretichnih in ideoloških sistemov danaje v vsakdan
4. Although the components of danaja are well known and promoted, the faces behind it, and therefore the people involved (and their stories), are hidden behind the work to clarify the story and symbolism behind it excluding the human factor of compassion or other personal feelings torewards the author as an individual
• četudi so vsi deli danaje jasno razvidni, znani in promovirani so avtorji in njihove zgodbe vsaj navidezno zakriti za njihovimi deli, da bi izključili človeški faktor sočustvovanja in apliciranja lastnih zgodb na avtorjevo. S tem se izolira zgolj odnos in čustva do dela samega.
5. The anonymity of the people forming the group, or at least the anonymity in the group works and projects guaranties the complete flexibility and gives the power to change and reinvent the work and goals, providing the power of self preservation and the revitalization of the ideas behind the goal.
• anonimnost skupine chlanov, ali vsaj chlanov samih, omogoča in zagotavlja popolno fleksibilnost in daje skupini mozhnost ohranjevanja in samo-obnove idej za cilji in nachrti, kako do teh ciljev priti
6. the interaction between the components inside danaja works on the same basis as a state, ideology, art and religion. It's main adoration center is the symbol, as the meeting point for ideologies and believe. An identification symbol and gravitating point for it's followers and believers. Every brunch gives an apparent sense of autonomy but still follows the strict rules and roles of the firm belief in love.
• komunikacija komponentov znotraj danaje deluje na istih principih kot ideologije drzhave, umetnosti in religije. Bazirana je na kulta simbola, kot središča ideologije in vere. Vsaka posamezna veja daje navidezni obchutek avtonomije a hkrati sledi in upošteva stroga pravila in pripadnost trdnega zavedanja ljubezni.
7. Although the structured form of danaja and it's impersonal approach it's main concern and soul purpose of existence is the viewer as the individual. the audience in one person. The common worker forming the collective that has and gives the power and words to revolutions.
• navkljub fragmentalni sestavi in danajinem neosebnem pristopu, je njen glavni cilj in subjekt gledalec kot posameznik, ochinstvo in obchestvo v eni osebi. Običajni delavec kolektiva, ki je napajal in dajal besedo revolucijam.
8. By displaying danaja's works and thoughts and exposing the elements and structures of every day life and the mass-media to the viewer, it enables him to either agree or disagree with them, allowing him to have, or form an objective view on society and modern day mediums. So danaja functions as a mirror for modern day society.
• z javnim prikazovanjem danajinih misli in del, ter razkrivanjem struktur vsakodnevnega zhivljenja in medijev v njem, gledalcu omogochimo, da se z njimi strinja ali ne strinja in da izoblikuje neke vrste objektiven pogled na druzhbo in moderni medijski sistem. Tako danaja deluje kot ogledalo danashnje druzhbe.
9. danaja therefore exists only with the existence of an audience followers or haters an audience as receptors of information and transmitters of the energy (5W).
• danaja tako, za svoj obstoj potrebuje občinstvo, tako zagovornikov kot nasprotnikov, ki delujejo kot sprejemniki informacij in oddajniki energije (5W).
10. danaja follows and uses the rules, aesthetics and language of it's own. allowing the members and components within it to function in a system that's autonomous from the parallel reality [life], using only it's symbols as means of communication.
• danaja sledi svojim pravilom, estetiki in za komunikacijo uporablja svoj jezik, kar omogocha chlanom znotraj nje, da delujejo neodvisno od vzporednega sveta (imenovanega življenje) tako, da uporabljajo zgolj njegove simbole in simbolizme ter komunikacijske sisteme (medije)
11. danaja functions on a ready-made concept and it's formed on patterns adopted from every day life such as states, religion, pop-culture and mass media, exploiting it's weakness for the spread of it's own concept. but always, even if working on the same basics and rules, avoiding the systems trivial aspects if not using them as a tool.
• danaja deluje kot že izdelan koncept, ki sisteme chrpa iz vsakodnevnega zhivljenja in sorodnih sistemov kot so drzhave, religija, pop kultura in masovne medijske korporacije. Izrablja njihove slabosti za shiritev svojega lastnega koncepta, toda nikoli, čeprav deluje na podobni bazi, ne zapade v trivialnost teh istih sistemov, vendar jih uporabi le kot orodje za doseganje lastnih ciljev
12. every part of danaja's structure can function separately as long as it follows the rules and roles in the structure of the system
• vsak del znotraj danajine strukture, lahko navidezno deluje posamichno, dokler sledi pravilom in zachrtanim smernicam znotraj sistema, kot ga dolocha danaja
13. danaja ceases to exist when it becomes a tool of an other trivial system and by that destroyed and exploited in it's core and when it's terms or structure are violated. Or when the members loose the ancient dream of traveling to the edge of the space and back with the same energy that fuels he stars. And the creation of the systems that run it
• danaja preneha delovati in obstajati ko postane orodje trivialnega sistema shirjenja informacij in s tem zanika ali unichi temelje svojega obstoja. Preneha z delovanjem tudi, ko izgine potreba po raziskovanju mej vesolja ter potovanju do njih in nazaj. Z isto energijo, ki napaja zvezde, ter sistemi, ki jo formirajo.
Laibach 13.01.10