transcribed by
danaja in the honor of the opening of the exhibition for the 30th anniversary of laibach in ljubljana on the 15.4.10. In long and loving memory of
Tomazh Hostnik, his life and legacy he left behind for us to see...
Winners and defeaters,
We don't like morality and we sure don't want to preach about it,
but your country, obsessed by moral values, is now forcing us to do so.
Let's say this very loud and clear:
the higher the buildings, the lower the morals. Moral values in america today are nothing, pure nothing. Behind the faith in God, evil is hidding. Lots of evil and sins against humanity. Freedom, democracy, , family, life protection, and security for your own nation are based on violence, revenge and hatredfor all who set up ann ostacle to the overrated theory and practice of the American way. Lust for power, greed and arrogance is killing this nation and its soul, if there is any left. The game you play: lying, stealing, sowing death, to protect your concept of morality and life against the life of others is not the right way. Needless self-interest for counties like America was allways bad morals, but it's bad economics as well. There are no winners in this game, no victory in it for you or anybody else. In fact, it's a suicide your nation is doing toitself. Although by the number of ammunition and guns, bombs and bullets America might still be a leading force and global superpower, you appear to us, who had a chance to see you from up close and personal, as a third World country, a cloumsy gigant filled with fear and prejudices, a gigant child, abused by his parents, a large flock of sheep on the open range without a ranger, without a shepherd and a leader. Your president is the opposite to Christ and his victory is based on moral values. Christian moral values. I tell u this: the worst government is allways the most moral one. But when fanatics are on top there is no limit to oppression. Morality which is based on ideal is an unmitigated evil. And don't forget, your president represents the majority of your nation. This time it's true, it's not even a lie.
Well, my dear ones, it is also true that Americans in general are not too intelligent. For that reason we can partly forgive you and overlook some of your sins. But this will not help stopping the decay; the historical primate of America is approaching its end and this is a historical fact. Like every empire, the USA is falling apart. E unum, pluribus:
»from one many«. United you fall, devided you'll stand. The devided states of America are being made. And the civil war is being foretold.
Peter Mlakar
NSK department for pure and applied philosophy