ponedeljek, 28. junij 2010

-cold (N) – minus -empty- 28.6.08

-cold (N) – minus -empty- 28.6.10

dedicated to the memmory of 642 2643568

cold as the glass of the closing sliding doors of an airport...
cold as the knowledge that u'll be gon by the end of the escape...
cold as the emptyness that i'm living...


nothing but silence...
and empty coldness...

50 herz of the bipolarity found in alternating current (swinging moods- on the see-saw of emotions » It doesn't hurt if it's not love, and it's not love if it's not electric... this makes Nikola tesla Don Juan«

after every high (past exhibition) there comes a low... and that's what scares me.

"flowers in the fall" botticelli's spring in orange
memorries of my child hood (memorries from fucked up childhoods... aren't they my dear (like saying tnx to mumford and his son)
the pencil (that's how he saw art, that's how he saw our art, as life made a writter your own thoughts... long hair as presheren -he used to joke about it-... and slowly took your voice away... and it slowly took your life mr. imagineer

health insurance (never mental)
Tnx for the box... i guess u never knew u gave me a present...
the scent of apples (i guess it'll make you more happy than me...)
meds: "baby did u forget to take your meds placebo


a bounch of news and reading glasses
insurance for the night of the white silence (no need to explain this one anymore)
i still am...

don't bug me... that's what i understood looking at him from a different prospective... sorry i was just a baby back then
100/9 good reasons for a theatralical goodbye... running at the top of that hill and allways pretending to be the first...

allways glad...

"there's nothing to worry about...
i'll be there whene u come back... l"
and the cold wind took the worm words
and robbed them of your scent...

ponedeljek, 21. junij 2010

-cold (N) – minus -empty- 28.6.10

dedicated to the memmory of 642 2643568

cold as the glass of the closing sliding doors of an airport...
cold as the knowledge that u'll be gon by the end of the escape...
cold as the emptyness that i'm living...


announcing the 2nd part of the exhibition...
on the 28.6.10 at 19.00 on the same adresses...

nothing but silence...
and empty coldness...

"there's nothing to worry about...
i'll be there whene u come back... l"
and the cold wind took the worm words
and robbed them of your scent...

sobota, 12. junij 2010

you were the girl with the cherry earrings

Introducing and announcing the second part of the imagineers exhibition called -cold (N) – minus -empty-

You as the girl with the cherry earrings sounds like a cheer from a place where everything is a reminder of something from our past lives. When the bip of a cell phone or a branch full of cherries used to represent a world for two and is left to be a sad reminder of a world I once new and had… stolen routines, stolen little moments and a loud: “I really fucked it up this time… didn’t I my dear”.

Another hail to the birth of the imagineers, the creators of mechanical moments and the big loves the world doesn’t remember anymore…

More of this coming up in the second part of the exhibition called -cold (N) – minus -empty-