na današnji dan so po koncu oddaje oznanili še en konec... pred 29. leti je umrl po lastni izbiri Tomaž Hostnik, glas in idejni vodja Laibacha... Začetek in konec... Kozolec naših sanj. in memoriam...
You searched for yourself in vulgarity
and prayer, lurked like a beast
at the Revelation. Now you have
purified yourself and I
gained faith in you.
Strange are the paths amongst the haystacks,
surrounded by rustling grasslands and fields,
where the corn turns yellow -
fresh blood dripping into to a field of gold.
We searched for you in the woods and meadows
at full moon with our women and dogs.
We searched for you all night and all day.
We never found you, but the quest
was not in vain.
You are a forester!
It is written on your forehead.
A blade of steel from your coffin springs.
zimski solsticij...