"... i really fucked it up this time
didn't i my dear...
didn't i my dear"
mumford and sons
the last part of the 3 internet exhibitions...
dedicated to all the things that come in 3
the father, the son and the holly goat...
the 3 sitting at the table of a mall...
dreams, wishes and to the reality that comes afterwards...
to the 3rd time...
reality strikes loudly with the white silence...
so that i can put them back int the drawer and lock them away...
after all that's where they came from... from the drawers of my memories and moments...
tnx to all of u who gave those moments to me, and tnx to all of u who read them and lived them through...
someone, spoken source

"sandbox made of traktor wheels...
filled with memories of sand...
on the back it said... get the wrench...
i hope i will... someday..."

killer pickguard from back then...

white hall, last door on the left...

she was right... as if she knew... as i did when it was to late (should have sold that dream if it didn't remind me of u so much...

when i grow up i wanna be just like daddy...

"here have a negro... the best part of the negro is the white cream... i got myself a bag of negros... oh i finished all my negros..." and then i'm the nazi-one...

this is where it all started... back then...
" i remember as getting this notebook on new-years eve back than in lenningrad '41..."
vasily orlov wagner

dedicated to the memorie of a great one... sitting drinking from a bottle with a deer head next to your father... as if i knew u... as if u knew me...



Laibach "der staat"
Drzhava skrbi za fizichno vzgojo ljudstva,
posebno mladine, v svrho dviganja narodnega zdravja,
narodne, delovne in obrambne sposobnosti.
Ravna chedalje bolj popustljivo, dopuscha se vsa svoboda.
Oblast je pri nas ljudska.
The State
The state is taking care of the protection,
cultivation and exploitation of the forests.
The state is taking care of the physical
education of the nation, especially of the youth,
with the aim of improving the nation's health and national,
working and defensive capability.
Its treatment is becoming more and more indulgent,
all freedom is tolerated. Our authority is that of the people.

13. the name poem...
that's where her name came from
danaja tomazh pengov

it's all in the dots... go and ask her... it's all in the dots

something blue, something borrowed, something broken...

2 toilet signs...
almost ready to face reality... almost...
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