»rojstvo imagineer-jev« spomini iz predala
» It doesn't hurt if it's not love, and it's not love if it's not electric... this makes Nikola tesla Don Juan«
Tokrat samo spomini na trenutke. Zive slike podob vtisnjenih v mozhgane na chrno ozadje pozabe. Torej spomini predstavljeni na internetu, ker vemo, da vas na otvoritev dosti nebi prishl(a). Tuji spomini iz udobnosti lastnega stola in varnosti lastnega doma. Posvecheno njej in izumitelju skeniranih spominov g. strazharju, ki sta omogochila nastanek sekcije imagineer-jev znotraj danaje
Razstava bo razdeljena na tri dele:
-hot (L) + plus -skyhigh-
-cold (N) – minus -empty-
-earth (O) ¤ zemlja -reality-
Prva se bo zgodila 27.5.2010 0b 19.00 na naslovih:
na obeh naslovih bodo na dan razstave tudi informacije in texti povezani z razstavo samo
»the birth of imagineers« memories from a drawer
» It doesn't hurt if it's not love, and it's not love if it's not electric... this makes Nikola tesla Don Juan«
This time it's just memories stolen from everyday moments. Live immages imprinted in your brainn on the black background of the fear to forget and being forgotten. Memories from the comfort of your own rocking chair in the security of your own home. Dedicated to her and the inventor of the scenned memories img. Strazhar.
The exhibition is devided into 3 parts:
-hot (L) + plus -skyhigh-
-cold (N) – minus -empty-
-earth (O) ¤ zemlja -reality-
The opening of the first one is going to be on the 27.5.2010 at 19.00 +1GMTon the following addresses:
on the same addresses u'll be able to read more about the exhibition and the reasons for it.
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