»rojstvo imagineer-jev« spomini iz predala

» It doesn't hurt if it's not love, and it's not love if it's not electric... this makes Nikola tesla Don Juan«
someones quest into the drawer as the new mirror (sory alice) no Narnia just pure math.
The exhibition from the drawer is devided int 3 parts:
-hot (L) + plus -skyhigh-
-cold (N) – minus -empty-
-earth (O) ¤ zemlja -reality-
This first part is called hot. As for the memories that were there before their time. Something beautiful and pure. Wich made me feel as a little child going through grandpas drawers, discovering old black and white photos with funny faces, and the little moments from our-(someones) life

all the three parts are dedicated to the inventor of the moving ray img. Strazhar and the other theoretical cosmonauts
and her...
"i allways thought that memorries come on a black background"

the first part, as all free of them is built in a format that can be explained with the use of a simple math formula:
2 + 13 = 15 X 2 = 30 + 15 = 45
45 X 2 = 90
90 - (2 X ( 1)) = 88
note: all numbers that were used have a mithical explanation
" I'm made the destroyer of my worlds "
(danaja on the quote by Robert Oppenheiner-first detonation of an A-bomb)

4. Wannabe society (artificial fake plastic love for the state (and the love for coffe (with her)))

5. a bunch of fake money and two audi signs

6. "v sobi 10(sta)2" J. Plestenjak
(randition of the traditional slovene song by j. plestenjak)
parody of the fake moments on the radio)
"I'm going to sing a few songs from my pictures"
(m. dietrich)

7. " Let me call my commies "
( primordial american RAP slang)
or how guerilla pop developed over-seas.
[tiho-zhitje] silent-crop-je

8. growing up to as a "jim morrison wonnabe"james douglas morrison

9. rasist
"angry by mistake"
(and than they call us nazis)

!0. Wienerschule
and other balkan costumes and habbits

11. Bizhoterija [bijoutery] the small things we live behind

12. "Traveling to there and back only on the wings of our dreams"
two gas bills and an open mind

1 komentar:
"the birth of imagineers" an electronical exhibition from a drawer
(couse i know that some of u wouldn't come) 27.5.10 at 19.00 (+01GMT)
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