ponedeljek, 11. oktober 2010

happy birthday

there was no message beep this year,
no flowers in the morning.
just a piece of paper saying: "happy birthday"
with the blood red lipstick stain,
worn by an another year gone bye
worn by the thousand times i tried to kiss it
thinking it was you

"i did it couse i wanted to try
what your mouth tastes like."
You said, smoking my lucky strike

lucky... the irony of that.
passing with a jingle like
Happy birthday

sang by
another stranger

ponedeljek, 30. avgust 2010

she pomnimo


(we still remember fellow cosmonauts)


sobota, 24. julij 2010

happy birthday

happy birthday mrs. vaupotich...

i still miss your loughter...

petek, 23. julij 2010

heaving coffe with mr. Hostnik

"as loud, as the silence
of heaving coffe with your-own-self"

" announcing the last, and third [3rd], part of the electronical exhibition


ponedeljek, 28. junij 2010

-cold (N) – minus -empty- 28.6.08

-cold (N) – minus -empty- 28.6.10

dedicated to the memmory of 642 2643568

cold as the glass of the closing sliding doors of an airport...
cold as the knowledge that u'll be gon by the end of the escape...
cold as the emptyness that i'm living...


nothing but silence...
and empty coldness...

50 herz of the bipolarity found in alternating current (swinging moods- on the see-saw of emotions » It doesn't hurt if it's not love, and it's not love if it's not electric... this makes Nikola tesla Don Juan«

after every high (past exhibition) there comes a low... and that's what scares me.

"flowers in the fall" botticelli's spring in orange
memorries of my child hood (memorries from fucked up childhoods... aren't they my dear (like saying tnx to mumford and his son)
the pencil (that's how he saw art, that's how he saw our art, as life made a writter your own thoughts... long hair as presheren -he used to joke about it-... and slowly took your voice away... and it slowly took your life mr. imagineer

health insurance (never mental)
Tnx for the box... i guess u never knew u gave me a present...
the scent of apples (i guess it'll make you more happy than me...)
meds: "baby did u forget to take your meds placebo


a bounch of news and reading glasses
insurance for the night of the white silence (no need to explain this one anymore)
i still am...

don't bug me... that's what i understood looking at him from a different prospective... sorry i was just a baby back then
100/9 good reasons for a theatralical goodbye... running at the top of that hill and allways pretending to be the first...

allways glad...

"there's nothing to worry about...
i'll be there whene u come back... l"
and the cold wind took the worm words
and robbed them of your scent...

ponedeljek, 21. junij 2010

-cold (N) – minus -empty- 28.6.10

dedicated to the memmory of 642 2643568

cold as the glass of the closing sliding doors of an airport...
cold as the knowledge that u'll be gon by the end of the escape...
cold as the emptyness that i'm living...


announcing the 2nd part of the exhibition...
on the 28.6.10 at 19.00 on the same adresses...

nothing but silence...
and empty coldness...

"there's nothing to worry about...
i'll be there whene u come back... l"
and the cold wind took the worm words
and robbed them of your scent...

sobota, 12. junij 2010

you were the girl with the cherry earrings

Introducing and announcing the second part of the imagineers exhibition called -cold (N) – minus -empty-

You as the girl with the cherry earrings sounds like a cheer from a place where everything is a reminder of something from our past lives. When the bip of a cell phone or a branch full of cherries used to represent a world for two and is left to be a sad reminder of a world I once new and had… stolen routines, stolen little moments and a loud: “I really fucked it up this time… didn’t I my dear”.

Another hail to the birth of the imagineers, the creators of mechanical moments and the big loves the world doesn’t remember anymore…

More of this coming up in the second part of the exhibition called -cold (N) – minus -empty-

četrtek, 27. maj 2010

the birth of the imagineers part2.

13. Guns'n arms of the theatrical "fare wells"
tnx for the small one cutie

14. "someone" through her eyes
-semi-automatic portrait

15. Remakes of sheer happynes (on the anniversary of stolen momments

"the only book published in more copies than the bible is the IKEA catalogue. We used to read pornography than it was the catalogues... Now we have the internet and our heart-held ithems

all moments are real if not differently noted

"the birth of imagineers"

the following text is written in two languages. The one that we speak and the one we understand. Certain things might be missunderstood.

»rojstvo imagineer-jev« spomini iz predala

» It doesn't hurt if it's not love, and it's not love if it's not electric... this makes Nikola tesla Don Juan«


someones quest into the drawer as the new mirror (sory alice) no Narnia just pure math.

The exhibition from the drawer is devided int 3 parts:

-hot (L) + plus -skyhigh-

-cold (N) – minus -empty-

-earth (O) ¤ zemlja -reality-

This first part is called hot. As for the memories that were there before their time. Something beautiful and pure. Wich made me feel as a little child going through grandpas drawers, discovering old black and white photos with funny faces, and the little moments from our-(someones) life

all the three parts are dedicated to the inventor of the moving ray img. Strazhar and the other theoretical cosmonauts
and her...

"i allways thought that memorries come on a black background"

the first part, as all free of them is built in a format that can be explained with the use of a simple math formula:

2 + 13 = 15 X 2 = 30 + 15 = 45
45 X 2 = 90
90 - (2 X ( 1)) = 88

note: all numbers that were used have a mithical explanation

" I'm made the destroyer of my worlds "

(danaja on the quote by Robert Oppenheiner-first detonation of an A-bomb)

4. Wannabe society (artificial fake plastic love for the state (and the love for coffe (with her)))

5. a bunch of fake money and two audi signs

6. "v sobi 10(sta)2" J. Plestenjak
(randition of the traditional slovene song by j. plestenjak)

parody of the fake moments on the radio)

"I'm going to sing a few songs from my pictures"
(m. dietrich)

7. " Let me call my commies "
( primordial american RAP slang)
or how guerilla pop developed over-seas.
[tiho-zhitje] silent-crop-je

8. growing up to as a "jim morrison wonnabe"james douglas morrison

9. rasist
"angry by mistake"
(and than they call us nazis)

!0. Wienerschule
and other balkan costumes and habbits

11. Bizhoterija [bijoutery] the small things we live behind

12. "Traveling to there and back only on the wings of our dreams"

two gas bills and an open mind

ponedeljek, 24. maj 2010

the birth of the imagineers

»rojstvo imagineer-jev« spomini iz predala

» It doesn't hurt if it's not love, and it's not love if it's not electric... this makes Nikola tesla Don Juan«


Tokrat samo spomini na trenutke. Zive slike podob vtisnjenih v mozhgane na chrno ozadje pozabe. Torej spomini predstavljeni na internetu, ker vemo, da vas na otvoritev dosti nebi prishl(a). Tuji spomini iz udobnosti lastnega stola in varnosti lastnega doma. Posvecheno njej in izumitelju skeniranih spominov g. strazharju, ki sta omogochila nastanek sekcije imagineer-jev znotraj danaje

Razstava bo razdeljena na tri dele:

-hot (L) + plus -skyhigh-

-cold (N) – minus -empty-

-earth (O) ¤ zemlja -reality-

Prva se bo zgodila 27.5.2010 0b 19.00 na naslovih:


na obeh naslovih bodo na dan razstave tudi informacije in texti povezani z razstavo samo

»the birth of imagineers« memories from a drawer

» It doesn't hurt if it's not love, and it's not love if it's not electric... this makes Nikola tesla Don Juan«


This time it's just memories stolen from everyday moments. Live immages imprinted in your brainn on the black background of the fear to forget and being forgotten. Memories from the comfort of your own rocking chair in the security of your own home. Dedicated to her and the inventor of the scenned memories img. Strazhar.

The exhibition is devided into 3 parts:

-hot (L) + plus -skyhigh-

-cold (N) – minus -empty-
-earth (O) ¤ zemlja -reality-

The opening of the first one is going to be on the 27.5.2010 at 19.00 +1GMTon the following addresses:


on the same addresses u'll be able to read more about the exhibition and the reasons for it.

četrtek, 13. maj 2010


"Ever since man climbed on to his back legs, and took his first faltering steps, he has been driven to move, by a primordial longing for space. The beauty of the starlit heaven balanced his fear of the dark. But the harmony of heaven and earth only holds if man looks up to the stars without wanting to grasp them in his hands. When he cannot reach the stars, he turns his anger on his neighbours. In the fists he wields weapons of terror to protect his family. He wages war for territory, for fire, food and fuel. From the rise and fall of Rome to now, the struggle for survival is unceasing. No sooner is one conflict resolved than another one begins. For every relatively bloodless revolution, like the birth of Slovenia, there's a bloodbath, like Sarajevo."

Laibach "a film from Slovenia"

ponedeljek, 10. maj 2010


row row row the boat...
round and round she goes...
oh shiny turbine

in memory...


nedelja, 9. maj 2010

in the mean time...

listening to these songs while working on the next project... i would never even dream of saying it better...

"I remember a girl so very well
The carnival drums all mad in the air
Grim reapers and skeletons and a missionary bell
O where do we go now but nowhere

In a colonial hotel we fucked up the sun
And then we fucked it down again
Well the sun comes up and the sun goes down
Going round and round to nowhere

The kitten that padded and purred on my lap
Now swipes at my face with the paw of a bear
I turn the other cheek and you lay into that
O where do we go now but nowhere...

...Around the duck pond we grimly mope
Gloomily and mournfully we go rounds again
And one more doomed time and without much hope
Going round and around to nowhere...

...If I could relive one day of my life
If I could relive just a single one
You on the balcony, my future wife
O who could have known, but no one

O wake up, my love, my lover make up
O wake up, my love, my lover make up"

N.Cave and the bad seeds "Where do we go now but nowhere"

"Please forgive me
(it's impossible to say)
if I appear unkind
(it's impossible to know)
but any fool can tell you,
it's all in your mind

Down in the meadow,
the old lion stirred
as his hands cross his mouth,
he has no use for word

Poor little girl,
with your hands full of snow.
Poor little girl,
'had no way to know.
But you've got me eatin'
you've got me eatin' out
you've got me eatin'
right outta your hands

Or the frozen field
And the hollyhocks hang harmlessly
And the old lion kneels

But you've got me eatin'
you've got me eatin'
you've got me eatin' right outta your hands"

N.Cave and the bad seeds "little ghost song"

torek, 20. april 2010

danajin dan inzhenirstva in predstavitev spominske turbine

danaja's engineers day plus the first presentation of the memmorial turbine

ob proslavi in v chast danajinega dneva inzhenirstva, na dan 79ete obletnice rojstva g. Ing danaja predstavlja spominski mlinchek, ki dopolnjuje program MSP in hkrati oznanja blizhanje uradne splavitve mehanichne soshke postrvi. Ob tej priliki danaja zheli vsem miren in srechen dan inzhenirstva, ter vam tudi v prihodnosti zheli mnogo lepih sanj... tistih ki nas ponesejo do zvezd...tistih, ki nas ponesejo do nje...

in the memory of the 79th anniversary of the birth of mr. Ing danaja presents the memmorial water mill. We'd like to take this opportunity to wish u all a calm and happy engineers day, with a lot of beautifull dreams, dreams that carry us to the stars... that carry us to her...

ponedeljek, 19. april 2010


postoj in poglej...
kje domek je tvoj mi povej...
moj domek je tam pod goro...
kjer ptichki veselo pojo...



sobota, 17. april 2010

devided states of amerika speech

transcribed by danaja in the honor of the opening of the exhibition for the 30th anniversary of laibach in ljubljana on the 15.4.10. In long and loving memory of Tomazh Hostnik, his life and legacy he left behind for us to see...

Winners and defeaters,

We don't like morality and we sure don't want to preach about it,
but your country, obsessed by moral values, is now forcing us to do so.
Let's say this very loud and clear: the higher the buildings, the lower the morals. Moral values in america today are nothing, pure nothing. Behind the faith in God, evil is hidding. Lots of evil and sins against humanity. Freedom, democracy, , family, life protection, and security for your own nation are based on violence, revenge and hatredfor all who set up ann ostacle to the overrated theory and practice of the American way. Lust for power, greed and arrogance is killing this nation and its soul, if there is any left. The game you play: lying, stealing, sowing death, to protect your concept of morality and life against the life of others is not the right way. Needless self-interest for counties like America was allways bad morals, but it's bad economics as well. There are no winners in this game, no victory in it for you or anybody else. In fact, it's a suicide your nation is doing toitself. Although by the number of ammunition and guns, bombs and bullets America might still be a leading force and global superpower, you appear to us, who had a chance to see you from up close and personal, as a third World country, a cloumsy gigant filled with fear and prejudices, a gigant child, abused by his parents, a large flock of sheep on the open range without a ranger, without a shepherd and a leader. Your president is the opposite to Christ and his victory is based on moral values. Christian moral values. I tell u this: the worst government is allways the most moral one. But when fanatics are on top there is no limit to oppression. Morality which is based on ideal is an unmitigated evil. And don't forget, your president represents the majority of your nation. This time it's true, it's not even a lie.

Well, my dear ones, it is also true that Americans in general are not too intelligent. For that reason we can partly forgive you and overlook some of your sins. But this will not help stopping the decay; the historical primate of America is approaching its end and this is a historical fact. Like every empire, the USA is falling apart. E unum, pluribus: »from one many«. United you fall, devided you'll stand. The devided states of America are being made. And the civil war is being foretold.

Peter Mlakar
NSK department for pure and applied philosophy